Shhh! Here’s How to Tap the Power of Secrets in Marketing

Find Your Marketing Secret I am sure that this principle is not a big “secret” to most marketers. But just in case, let me explain the secret to marketing secrets. Do you have the secret solution to a problem that your customers are facing – maybe a problem they do not even know about? Well […]

There Are No Silver Bullets in Marketing

Marketing Silver Bullet - Josef Katz Inbound Marketing and Customer Acquisition

How many times have you heard some version of one of the following? “ABC Company did so and so with great results. . . let’s do that too.” “Katz, Katz and Katz Consulting had a huge success with a client . . . we should hire Katz, Katz and Katz for our business too.” You […]

Direct Marketing Tip – Inspired by Nordstrom – Part 2

This is part 2 of a direct marketing tip inspired by Nordstrom.  As mentioned last time Nordstrom typically has great marketing (I have no idea how successful it is but let’s focus on what we know.) Postcards in direct marketing serve a great purpose and when used strategically they can help drive sales (or any […]

Direct Marketing Tip – Courtesy of Nordstrom – Part 1

This post was inspired by a recent postcard mailing I received from Nordstrom a few weeks ago.  See image below. Nordstrom is a very large marketer.  Most of what I have seen would be considered good marketing which is why getting this postcard ruined my expectations and caused me to stop and evaluate the mailing. […]

Let Your Customers Do The Talking

I am a big fan of word of mouth marketing.  I always gather (or give when requested) referrals from friends and family when I need a service or a product.  So it occurred to me why not let our customers do all the talking for us.  Last week we put together this video with one […]

Work Out Your Gym Marketing

My wife has been trying to get me to join her gym for a while now.  Finally I said I would try it out if they had a day or week pass.  You know, get a taste of the place, the classes, equipment etc.  Free trials are very powerful for a number of reasons: You […]

Marketing Tip for Social Media Marketing and SEO

I noticed that many first time marketers and people starting out in social media marketing often don’t understand effective linking.  One benefit of being involved in social media is the ability to build links across the internet (on your blogs, profiles, comments etc) and create your own little web while leaving a trail of backlinks […]

Marketing Tip – Monitor Your Brand Online Part 2

In my last marketing tip I wrote about how you can use Google Alerts for managing your brand and a few other marketing related ideas.  Not too long ago I learned about a new use for Google Alerts. How would you like to know whenever someone links to your blog or site? All you need […]

Marketing Tip – Monitor Your Brand Online

A lot has been written about why it is important to manage your brand and online reputation. Every business owner should monitor their brand online (personal or professional). One easy way to do this is to set up a Google alert. A Google alert will deliver an email to you with links to any content referencing […]