We Know Our Business Best

How often do you hear an executive struggling with a marketing problem and not wanting to hire an agency or additional resources declare:

“We know our business better then any outside agency”

Of course not and that is exactly why you should hire an outside resource.  You know your business and how to run it but marketing your business is a different skill set.  If you run your own business you are probably too close to it to have a good perspective on driving new customers to your business.  You need outside advice and resources to help solve those marketing problems.  Don’t get me wrong business owners and executives should have marketing insight but you shouldn’t try to do everything on your own.

Does this mean you should listen to anyone who has marketing advice?  Probably not, since many of those people are probably trying to sell you something but if you have a few key resources you will be well served in the long term.

Let me let you in on a little secret (shhh). There are no business that are so unique that a good marketing person couldn’t find a hook to use.  Just hire a great marketer or marketing partner.